Mon 27 Jan
(( Outcalls Available )) == (( Available Now )) SeXy PuErTo RicAn (( Available Now )) Outcalls Now - 21
(San Antonio Airport)
New Reviews— ★— reviewed* ITALIAN & HISPANIC *verified — ★ — size1*32dd - 28
(San Antonio, VISITING**410 & Jones Maltsberger**NEW)
Sun 12 Jan
$80 Incall specials outcalls are also available !call Pheonix 13612367405 I travel just ask😍😘😍😘 - 24
(San Antonio, by fiesta six flags)
$80 incall specials outcalls are also available !call Pheonix 8304610765😍😘😍😘 - 24
(San Antonio, 410 and wwwhite outcall everywhere)
60 SPECIALS Available 24/7‼️♥★*HoT FrEaKy Italian ♥★1OOO% ReAL PiCs ♥★FETISHs♥★WATER WORKXx♥★ - 26
(Medical, North Central, San Antonio)
Sat 11 Jan
Incall & outcalls are available now no wait!call Pheonix 2108313980 I travel just ask😍😘😍😘 - 24
(San Antonio, wwwhite road n outcalls)
__ (( Available Now )) (( Outcall Specials )) (( Available All Night )) (( Sexy Puerto Rican )) ___ - 21
(San Antonio)
SEDUCTIVE -:¦:- HOTT === -:¦:- CURVY === -:¦:- KNOCKOUT === **-:¦:-** ** - 19
(San Antonio, your place or mine)
💋💋Sexy Mocha 'Sydney' Im Ready for Anything --*75 InCall/150 Outcall SPECIALS! Call me😘😘 - 21
(San Antonio, my place or your place)
AVAILABLE NOW ! $80 Specials 👋 Rae ! 1OO% Real Pics 👑 , CALL NOW📞 - 19
(North West, Nw 410 loop, airport, med center, outcal, San Antonio)
New Number/50 Specials‼️♥★*HoT FrEaKy Italian ♥★1OOO% ReAL PiCs ♥★FETISHs♥★WATER WORKXx♥★ - 26
(North Central, San Antonio, San antonio IN/OUT)
Fri 10 Jan
TRUCKERS Specials ★100% real ♡ New Pics ♥LAST DAY♡ . brunette latina◆ si habla..♥◆Ih35n new braun °☆ - 28
(San Antonio, new braunfels Tx. IH35 north)
==♥== ( EROTiC ) == === ( ENCOU NTER ) ==♥== - 20
(San Antonio, --------->HOTELS ALL ⨀VER<-------)
(((SEXXY))) Petite PERFECT (((Ebony)) PROVIDER.... Satisfaction Guaranteed!!! - 22
(410 or 1604 BANDERA RD)
SEXXY ((PETITE and PERFECT))) EBONY Provider... 70$70$ DON'T miss out..leaving soon!!! - 22
(410 or 1604 BANDERA RD)
Thu 09 Jan
Wed 08 Jan
Trucker Specials ★100% real ♡ New Pics ♥ ♡ brunette latina◆ si habla.♥◆come get a taste - 28
(San Antonio, new braunfels Tx. IH35 north)
☀S e X Y ☀ CoLLeGe ☀ G i R L ☀ all over san antonio (( READY NOW )) - 26
(San Antonio, {{{ I come to you }}} Or YOU 2 ME)
!nEW ❤❤❤ HOTTEST 2 BLONDES! Ever + My Friend 100% real pics❤❤ - 21
(San Antonio, San Antonio , Tx ( 410 airport area ))
Tue 07 Jan
★*° D EFINITI ON °*OF*° SEXX XY - -:¦: - 18
(San Antonio Incalls & Outcalls)
Scandalist Saturday: Come see me for my early bird specials... Ms. Exotica, Divine... - 20
(San Antonio, San Antonio + Outside Bexar county)
==>> (* SOAK -N- WET*) ☆ 100% JuiCy* ☆ 100% WeTTeR ☆ 100% OFFICIAL ☆ - 19
(San Antonio Incalls & Outcalls)
Makayla 📞 me I'm waiting 💦💦 for you only 💦💦💦 DADDY😻 New PICS - 28
(10 Vance Jackson, North East, San Antonio)
Mon 06 Jan
★ ☆ ★ ☆ Wild Freaky Specials ♛ 2Girls Specials ★ ☆ ★ ☆ - 20
(San Antonio, incalls/outcalls 2girlshows)
**° *° SUPER *° *° SEXXY *° BEAUTY ***° *° - 19
(IH35/ Starlight Terrace)
Specials ★100% real ♡ New Pics ♥ ♡ brunette latina◆ si habla.♥◆come get a taste - 28
(San Antonio, new braunfels Tx. IH35 north)
Last Nite N Town** Trucker Specials ★100% real ♡ New Pics ♥hurry ♡ . brunette latina◆ si habla..♥◆ - 28
(San Antonio, new braunfels Tx. IH35 north)
:-) Gorgeous Up*Scale Lucious BLONDE.Sweet but, Erotic . AMAZING specials :-) - 21
(San Antonio, 281 & 410)
Amazing, Special,Young, Sweet, and Petite *** current photos*** - 18
(Downtown, Riverwalk, San Antonio)
A.S.P.D. Legend Ava Love In town from Houston for the weekend ! New pics GFE - 35
(Medical Center/Outcalls Anywhere)
Sun 05 Jan
**(( Sweet & Curvy Italian Goddess ))** **(( Visiting ))** **(( Busty Hottie ))** **(( SPECIALS ))** - 18
/Specials‼️♥★*HoT FrEaKy Italian ♥★1OOO% ReAL PiCs ♥★FETISHs♥★WATER WORKXx♥★ - 26
(North Central, San Antonio, San antonio IN/OUT)
SEXXY EBONY Barbie DOLL...The Best you'll EVER have... Incalls now...DOn't miss out 100% real - 22
heaven- 210 6058827 (♥) San Antonio's ELITE Companions (♥) ECCIE Reviewed - 25
(northstarmall InCalls - Outcalls)
(( Available Now )) (( Available Now )) (( Available Now )) (( Available Now )) (( Available Now )) - 21
(Airport Area)
♥ Be AuTiFuL ♥ ExOtic ♥ PLaYm aTe♥ - 18
(San Antonio Incalls & Outcalls)
Sat 04 Jan
(((SEXXY))) SenSual and SEDUCTIVE EBONY VIXXEN Juicy*** B*O*o*t*Y - 22
Fri 03 Jan
***Hot Oil Rub Downs!***by Jules! ( Out-Call or In-Call Today Only! 210-7047116 Jules ) - 28
(San Antonio)
Let's get focus.... on eachother..... pure satisfaction $ up all nigth come get it all - 21
(San Antonio, in calls only)