Mon 27 Jan
REVIEWED💞💖 *HOT* 💘💖🍒. German💘 👑 Gorgeous 💞💖 DIAMOND 💞 💘NO BLACK MEN💞💖 - 26
(San Antonio, (MEDICAL CENTER))
outcall only HOT & Sweet Latina girl READY ♥♥ SuPeR sExY. 2 girls tonite - 25
(San Antonio, san antonio/ OUTCALL ONLY)
New In Town 💗💗 HOT ASIAN GIRL YOMIKO 💖💖 Your Fantasy is Here ☎️📱☎️ 512-626-9202 (Medical Ct) - 26
(North Central, San Antonio, San Antonio / Near Medical Center)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
👄👄(¯`•★•´¯) I____DO____IT •🚺🚹• __W_A_Y __ •🚺🚹• __B_E_T_T_E_R__ (¯`•★•´¯)👄👄 - 21
(San Antonio, Vance Jackson Incalls Only)
this hot blonde is ready and anxious to play this morining so call now !!!!!!!!!!!! - 20
Fri 10 Jan
Pure Beauty......... Feels So Good ......... You'll Love It ....... Hot & Horny - 23
(San Antonio, San Antonio Incall Near (Medical Center))
OH *° TITTY *° B OOTY *° ° BUDDHA ! - 39
(San Antonio, airport)
!!!!!!! RAQUEL Your *** Petite Latina Sweetheart. HERE ALL DAY & NIGHT *** !!!!!!! 210*313*6267
(Medical Center)
!!!!!!! RAQUEL Your *** Petite Latina Sweetheart. HERE ALL DAY & NIGHT *** !!!!!!! 210*313*6267 - 24
(Medical Center)
~~Come Squeeze My 40ddz ~~ 60$ Specials Call Now - 23
(San Antonio, San Antonio,Texas (Medical Center))
-:¦:- C A N ' T -:¦:- G E T -:¦:- A N Y -:¦:- B E T T E R -:¦:- T H A N -:¦:- T H I S - 23
(i10 & Wurzbach/ Medical center)
Are You Looking For A RedHead ....... Im Your #1 Pick, (619 248-- 3737) Look KNow More Im All Urs ! - 23
(Medical Center/ 10FRW/Six Flags)
New In Town 💗💗 HOT ASIAN GIRL YOMIKO 💖💖 Your Fantasy is Here ☎️📱☎️ 512-626-9202 (Medical Ct) - 26
(North Central, San Antonio, San Antonio Near Medical Center)
Thu 09 Jan
aNaStAsIa... *aDoRaBLe -:¦:- aMaZiNG -:¦:- aDDiCTiVe* _______ AvAiLaBlE nOw!!!
(10 fwy & Wurzbach/ Med Center)
***MORNING SPECIALS *** I'm ready for u...So C*U*M 4 A mind b*l*o*w*i*n*g time...*** - 28
(San Antonio, I10 & medical center area)
**LEAVING FRIDAY AT 1PM**Reviewed💞💖 *HOT* 💘💖🍒. German💘 👑 Gorgeous 💞💖 DIAMOND 💞 💘NO BLACK MEN💞💖 - 26
(San Antonio, (MEDICAL CENTER))
**IM BACK SA**Reviewed💞💖 *HOT* 💘💖🍒. German💘 👑 Gorgeous 💞💖 DIAMOND 💞 💘NO BLACK MEN💞💖 - 24
(San Antonio, (MEDICAL CENTER))
★ DaNgErOuSlY ________ InToXiCaTiNg ______ JeSSicA _______ RaBBiT (NEW PICS) ★ - 22
(medical center)
there's a blonde ready to forfill your needs at this time ....... so call me - 20
New In Town 💗💗 HOT ASIAN GIRL YOMIKO 💖💖 Your Fantasy is Here ☎️📱☎️ 512-626-9202 (Medical Ct) - 26
(North Central, San Antonio, San Antonio / Near Medical Center)
Wed 08 Jan
[ DROP ] __ ❤ __ [ DEAD ] __ ❤ __ [ GORGEOUS ] __ ❤ - 21
(San Antonio, I-10/Medical Dr. Incall/Outcall)
(San Antonio, San Antonio, I-10 E , MED CENTER DR.)
^= TH!©K =JU!©¥ GIANT TITS ] =]°BIG!RACK °[= [ SUP® F®AK¥ ] =]° °[= [ B!G =BØØBS ] =]° LOW ®®ATS! - 39
(San Antonio, San Antonio Airport Area)
Tue 07 Jan
!seXXXy ReDhEaD ! a V a i L a b L e N - o - W NeW PiCs... - 23
(i10 & Wurzbach/ Medical center)
Blondes Do It Better... Sizzling Hot Specials... The All American Dream Girl.. Check Out Super Rates - 20
busty DOUBLE DOUBLE D bombshell Sasha unforgettable pleasing you Pleases me I like it all - 24
(pleasing you pleases me its whatever)
Weekend Special ..... W/ San Diego's Sexiest Redhead. Anastasia Redd Is YOur #1 Pick (6192483737) - 23
(Medical Center/ 10FRW/Six Flags)
B_U_S_T_Y__ B_L_O_N_D_E _____ EXTRA Flexable!______ R_E_A_L__ G_i_R_L ______REAL WET_____ *SPECIALS* - 30
(San Antonio North West * Medical Center)
Mmm!! _____ mY ____ yUmMy ____ JuICeY ____ jUggS ____ nEeD ____ aTtEnTiOn ____ SPECIALS-4-U!! - 30
(Medical Center - NW San Ant - I-10)
»» LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy.... R E D H E A D »» Last Day Here!!! - 23
(Medical Center/ 10FRW/Six Flags)
!!!!!!!!!! Local Petite Latina Sweethearts. HERE ALL DAY & LATE TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!! - 24
(Medical Center)
Mon 06 Jan
!!!!!!!!!! Local Petite Latina Sweetheart *** HERE ALL DAY & LATE TONIGHT !!!!!!!!!! 210+607+2874 - 24
(Medical Center)
A Touch of Paris ...... Just enough... Where you never have to visit £ ¥ € - 21
(San Antonio, medical center airport)
Sun 05 Jan
Worlds TOP BIGGEST Juggs! DOUBLE MM CUPS! MASSIVE RACK Of TITS! Last Hours In Town $80Special! - 39
(San Antonio, San Antonio Airport Area)
*WoW! * ExXxTreMLy SUPER! HOT! (*BURNeTTe* KNoCkOuT*) * - 21
(Medical Center)
Sat 04 Jan
¤!¤!¤!¤!¤! RAQUEL^^ Petite Latina Sweetheart *¤* HERE ALL DAY & LATE TONIGHT !¤!¤!¤!¤!¤ - 24
(Medical Center)
"C'mon Boys Lets make Some NOISE! " ¡¡!!¡¡ FETISH FRIENDLY ¡¡!!¡¡ * Ready Right Now (210)612-0318 - 30
(San Antonio, I-10w & DeZavala)
Fri 03 Jan
*Reviewed💞💖 *HOT* 💘💖🍒. German💘 👑 DIAMOND 💞 💘NO BLK MEN💞💖SPECIALS 9am-3pm DAILY - 24
(San Antonio, (MEDICAL CENTER))