Mon 27 Jan
.♥★★I just broke up with my boyfriend...... 💋💋💖 - 29
(San Antonio, San Antonio and Surrounding Areas)
AMY with long RED Hair----Fun with an Open Mind. No BS or Games - 42
(Downtown, In or out, and I travel., San Antonio)
****Hello Gentleman,I'm a sexy latina very pretty nice fit.120hh180 hour 2107238853 - 23
(San Antonio, blanco /1604)
*~*BLONDE BOMBSHELL*~*New Holiday Pics~%100 me or it's FREE! - 21
(San Antonio, San Antonio and Surrounding Areas)
Ladies National Company seeks YOU! Are you the Talent that can make $5 to $7k weekly? Apply now! - 29
(San Antonio, USA)
✔❤✔ Totally ❤ Tempting ❤ Absolutely ❤ Addicting ❤ $60/30 Mins(Incalls) ✔❤ ✔Available All Night - 41
(Ne, North West, San Antonio)
East Coast's Top Upscale Agency ~~~~~ NOW HIRING ~~~~ Classy * Elegant * Safe ~~~ TOP PAY/SPLITS - 35
(San Antonio, New Jersey / New York)
🎀OveRZealOusLy TeMPtiNg🎀CuRVaCioUs 🆕👅🇹▫🇷▫🇪▫🇦▫🇹✨💋 - 25
(Lackland AFB, I HosT & TraVeL, San Antonio, South Side)
ReAdy 4 SoME FuN! ¤ ¿ ♥SeXey TaSTEy CrEamEy SPECIALS - 23
(San Antonio, 35 rittiman incall and outcall. 24/7)
__________ PRETTY FACE ________ ________ PERFECT B*O*O*T*Y ________ _______ KILLER BODY ______ - 26
(i 35 ne)
**New** try something different 2107771838* Incall special - 18
"Pleasing You, Is All I Want to Do". Call me, I'm waiting for You. - 29
(San Antonio, Northeast San Antonio off 410& Perrin)
NEW ExOtic LaTinA MIX ★ BOMBSHELL ★ INCALLS ★ 100% REAL ★ AvaiLabLe NOW! - 22
!! MIss LIlly !! %; TemptiNG latINA $%$% ready NOW3%$%$% OUTcall special 100 - 27
!! MIss LIlly !! %; TemptiNG latINA $%$% ready 2b YOur %$%$% up all night IN CALL SpecIALS - 27
* Memorial weekend * lets enjoy sum good wet and slippery sessions * your offical gurl MisS lilly jO - 25
(sanantonio /410culebra)
{}{}{}HOT speCIaL with. Exotic Lilly jo's last week here {}{}{} last chance to get with me {}{} 24/7 - 25
Sun 12 Jan
Hot Sexy M/F ESCORT COUPLE Available for VOYEURISM, ROLE-PLAYING, Adult Entertainment!! - 35
(north san antonio)
❤ Dreaming about the Ultimate Erotic Experience? ((CLICK HERE)) Asian Bombshell Masseuse - 25
(San Antonio, Parkwood;Encino Park;Woodlake;Pearsall)
The Ultimate solution 4 an incredible time! 5star🌟 Entertainment Upscale SEXYLatina! Outcallspecial! - 21
(Medical Center, Ingram/410 San Antonio&surrounding; areas)
Penelope Incall & Outcall Satisfaction Guaranteed! - 22
(San Antonio, medical center incall or outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
OOh la la sexy * hot and ready * pretty Latina * 24/7 let me take care OF U babY * specials - 25
(SAN ANTONIO/ splashtown*area In /out)
()n Tour acRoss AmeRica ▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇ looking for Mature Professional Men Only ▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇█▇ - 24
(San Antonio, INCALLS / outcalls in SA only)
Insatiable Chelle ❤️ Catering to Out of Town Business Professionals NOW booking - 46
(NC SA, North Central, San Antonio)
♥EbOnY PlAyMaTe♥· ´¯*★ KinKy PeTite*★ rEaL PhoTos . .· ´¯*★ .· 100 & up 8304887809 - 23
(San Antonio, North West San Antonio)
!!!SEXY (¯`'.¸ (¯`'.¸.*¨*. (¯`'.¸ ADDICTING (¯`'.¸.*¨*. (¯`'.¸ (¯`'.¸.*¨* MILF!!! - 46
(San Antonio)
Rise and shine!!let me get your day started off like a man should!! - 23
(San Antonio, 410/airport area)
(¯`'♥'´¯) 100% REAL COLLEGE HOTTIE - ECCIE and P411 MEMBER (¯`'♥'´¯) - 22
(San Antonio - Medical Center Area)
"Pleasing You, Is All I Want to Do" 65 RoSe SpecialS... - 29
(San Antonio, Northeast San Antonio off 410& Perrin)
Last few hrs !Austin's Finest Exotic Hottie Jaylyn .... in S.A. 4 LIMITED TIME!!! - 26
(San Antonio, Tba)
Italian Sunshine a Experience to Remember incall/outcall small towns too 210 823 5406 curvy with DDS - 21
(San Antonio, downtown incall outcal pleasanton devine)