Mon 27 Jan
***MORNING SPECIALS *** I'm ready for u...So C*U*M 4 A mind b*l*o*w*i*n*g time...*** - 28
(San Antonio, I10 & medical center area)
OpEn 24/7 EvEn WhEn NoT PoStEd 4 EaRlY BiRdS n LaTe NiGhTs (15 MiN n 2GiRl SpECiaL Available ) - 24
(San Antonio, 210 city limits / NW .I10~ WuRzBaCh Area)
Sun 12 Jan
tattedwbooty $100hr @ i10&wurzbach;$2109964586 *LATINOS ONLY* appt? 100 u call it ... - 25
(Alamo Heights, Downtown, East Side, I10 & wurzbach usaa medical area, Midtown, North Central, North East, North West, San Antonio, South Side, Uptown, West Side)
Sat 11 Jan
SuPeR ♥frEAky ♥GirL♥ HoT ♥ReaDy ♥To PLaY ♥AvAiLaBle noW ♥ - 22
(San Antonio, 35 & I10 (downtown area))
▐ ▐ ►▐ ▐ ►❤ ▄▀▄▀❤🔥RIVERWALK❤ HOTELS ▄▀▄▀▄❤PERFECT ❤ PLAYMATE ▄▀▄▀▄❤▐ READY NOW - 25
(San Antonio, RIVERWALK HOTELS Incall @ 410 i10 area)
Specials Sexy White Chocolate .....$$ 65Specials65 $$..... - 28
(San Antonio, san antonio nw 410/I10 area In or Out)
🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 C O L L E GE 😍 I N D I A N 🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴🌴 DREAM 💦💦 G I R L 💥💥💥💥💥 WITH BIG😍 BOOBS 👀😍😍😍😍 INCALL - 21
(Medical center area / i10&VanceJackson;, North Central, San Antonio)
IN/Out Call DO-OVER ➡CLICK HERE⬅︎ To Try Again♦︎Try Again Here♦︎MY Pics are REAL- ☞ i10 Huebner♥︎ - 25
(San Antonio, i10 and Huebner North Central Area)
Fri 10 Jan
Dont Waste time Searching FAKE Pics!! i10 and Huebner Location.....FIRE if you have the Desire.... - 25
(San Antonio, i10 and Huebner North Central area)
tattedwbooty LATINOS ONLY$ 2109964580 *massage fees vary ... - 25
(I10&wurzbach; area ussa, North West, San Antonio)
Thu 09 Jan
***MORNING SPECIALS *** I'm ready for u...So C*U*M 4 A mind b*l*o*w*i*n*g time...*** - 28
(San Antonio, I10 & medical center area)
tattedwbooty $100hr appt? 2109964580*NoT uR wIfEY $HUnGRy?... - 25
(Alamo Heights, Downtown, East Side, I10 & wurzbach usaa medical area, Midtown, North Central, North East, North West, San Antonio, South Side, Uptown, West Side)
✿°o °`' o° ♥ HOT & EXCITING - WaNnA PlAy? ♥ o °`' o°✿ - 45
(San Antonio, I10 & 1604 area)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
🍒::ALWAYS READY Tasty & FUN!🔥👅 SEXY WILD GIRL💖! Pretty & Slim!💟Ask About SPECIALS 👅🌟 972-534-7006 :: - 21
(San Antonio, Med Center Area i10 410 INCALL SPECIALS)
ViSiTiNG—[[ Sexy & Sweet TALL LATiNA ]] ——♥——[[HiGHLY REViEWED & SKiLLED ]] ——♥——AVAiLABLE NoW!!! - 20
(San Antonio, i10 & 410 area)
Specials Sexy White Chocolate ....$$Specials $$..... - 28
(San Antonio, san antonio nw 410/I10 area In or Out)
Mon 06 Jan
N-A-U-G-H-T-Y * S-E-X-Y * ((Pettie)) *T-R-E-A-T* - 22
(San Antonio, San Antoino, VANCE JACKSON N I10 AREA)
Sun 05 Jan
💝Sexy blonde bombshell 💣 UPSCALE & petite! Available for Ins/Outs - 22
(San Antonio, i10 area incall/Outcall hotel friendly)
Sat 04 Jan
L ⓞ ⓞ K ►▐ GORGEOUS BRUNNETTE █ attn Riverwalk NØ ®U§H NØ FU§§ - 24
(San Antonio, Downtown/Airport outcallS ALL OVER)
▬►ViSiTiNG ▬► YoUNG LATiNA BEAuTY with LEGS for days :: REViEWED:: DoN'T MiSS OUT!! - 20
(San Antonio, i10 & 410 area)
Hot & Ready just for You.... Trust You dont want to miss out :-P - 23
(San Antonio, i10&vince; jackson area)
Fri 03 Jan
tattedwbooty LATINOS ONLY$ NoT uR wiFeY $ *LATINOS ONLY* 2109964580 make OfFEr - 25
(Downtown, i10 huebner Usaa medical area no haters, North Central, North West, San Antonio)