Sat 11 Jan
Julia with long blond hair ...I have more fun than anyone I know - 38
(my private residence behind the airport)
Julia with long blond hair...I have more fun than anyone I know daytime special $150 - 38
(my private residence behind the airport)
Fri 10 Jan
Julia with long blond hair, The girlfriend that has more fun than anyone she knows - 30
(my private residence behind the airport)
The happiest place in the world Airport area 281/Bitters Let me show you the time of your life - 37
(San Antonio, my private residence behind the airport)
Thu 09 Jan
kimberly and Julia with long blonde hair, Day time special - 30
(my private residence behind the airport)
Wed 08 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Julia wirh long blonde hair- Day Time Special-Airport area- 281/Bitters - 30
(San Antonio, my private residence behind the airport)
kimberly and Julia with long blonde hair. I Love my life. I have more fun than anyone I know - 30
(my private residence behind the airport)
Julia with long blond hair...I have more fun than anyone I know 200/150 - 30
(my private residence behind the airport)
Mon 06 Jan
Julia with long blond hair, The girl that has more fun than anyone she knows - 30
(my private residence behind the airport)
Sun 05 Jan
Julia with long blonde hair. 281/Bitters I Love my life. I have more fun than anyone I know - 30
(my private residence behind the airport)
Julia has---- Day Time Specials---- Airport area---- 281/Bitters - 30
(San Antonio, my private residence behind the airport)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan