Sat 22 Feb
Tue 18 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
T—S— —J—O— S—I—E——— ——— —M—E—E—T——— ME ——N—O —W——— ———1—O—0 %———— ——R——E——A—— L——!!!!!!———— —————— - 25
(Airport, San Antonio)
°·...::"¥"::.. ★*★*★The Exotic Heat U Want*available all Day & Night 2 Serve U ★*★*★ ..::"¥"::..°·. - 23
(San Antonio, SE of downtown)
TS ISABELLY 5***** Service Visiitng San Antonio Now. Welcome to my world Make u Fantasies True !! - 24
(San Antonio, SAN ANTONIO HWY 35 EXIT 155B)
T—S— —J—O— S—I—E——— ——— —M—E—E—T——— ME ——N—O —W——— ———1—O—0 %———— ——R——E——A—— L——!!!!!!———— —————— - 25
(San Antonio, LA cantera)
Y O U R # 1 C H O I CE ————:¦:•S T O P & T A K E ——A—— :¦:•L•O • O • K• :¦:——— (( TREAT YOURSELF )) - 20
*VISITING NOW* "TEXAS #1 HUNG SHE-MALE" 44D & 9x6 inches ((720-282-9041)) - 28
(San Antonio, BASSE @ 281.....(( QUERRY MARKET AREA)))
( VISITING ) -(¯`'+ 100% + '´¯)(¯`'+ REAL + '´¯)(¯`'+ NO + '´¯)´¯)(¯`'+ GAMES + '´¯)last day - 25
TS ROSELYN Visiting San Antonio Monday,to Wednesday only Dont miss out. 100% Real pics. love kiss - 24
(San Antonio, SAN ANTONIO Monday to wednesday only)
The Best lookin TS in Town!!!! For a limited time only!!! So Call Now!!!! 832-892-0524 - 21
(houston TX)
LAST CHANCE! Total package #1 Ts Stripper ★ VIP SERVICE ★ INCALL/OUTCALL - 25
(Corpus Christi, IH 37/OUTCALLS)
Hott---- FREAKY---- TS CANDILOVE 100% PASSABLE BLACKSHEMALE- --Cum TASTE me visiting 4the 1st time!! - 20
(San Antonio)
Hungry, Why Wait? Come & See Why Guys Just Can't Get Enough. You'll Really Enjoy This, Guaranteed!
(San Antonio, South, 35 @ Division Ave)
HoT Curvy Latina TS Julissa with 9" ff 《NeW in Town》medical center area - 25
(San Antonio, san antonio , medical center area)
•*"*• EVeRYTHING •*"*• U♥NeeD •*"*• IN 1 PaCKaGE •*"*•:•CLICK HERE!!!!!! - 26
(San Antonio, Huebner and Fredericksberg)
T—S— —J—O— S—I—E——— ——— —M—E—E—T——— ME ——N—O —W——— ———1—O—0 %———— ——R——E——A—— L——!!!!!!———— —————— - 25
(Medical in/outcalls, San Antonio)
Sun 12 Jan
Sat 11 Jan
MISS MANDINGO'S The Shemale Plumber With A Massive Plunger! 10 1/2In Of Raunchy Co©k! - 30 - 26
(medical center area, North West, San Antonio)
Check out My Video 😘😘 TS Nathalie 100% Real! Wt and Slippery Apretadito y Mojadito - 25
(Medical Center, San Antonio)
💎💎Rare precious and of course the quality of a fine diamond 💎💎 💋💋NO texting without pic - 99
(San Antonio)
🍒EXOTIC💖BOMBSHELL★BODY RUB |🍌💋 (2 is always better than 1) - 23
(Corpus Christi, Nw San Antonio Lackland, San Antonio)
♥ ♥ ♥ GINA♥ ♥ ♥ S O F T & S E N S U A L ___ x. X. x__ Latina ♥ ♥ ♥ NEW IN TOWN♥ ♥ ♥ - 25
(Northeast San Antonio)
B 0 TT 0 M s UP and M 0 u T H s Open to Be of a good Service to a STUNNING Blk Ts! weekly special! - 19
Fri 10 Jan
°·...::"¥"::.. ★*★*★The Spurs Win, so you can to. I have that pretty girl swag4u★*★*★ ..::"¥"::..°·. - 23
(San Antonio, downtown S.a.)
**CoMe MiLk Me ComPleTeLy DrY! if you are looking for a real TOP girl call me, i have 8" F/LOADED!** - 19
◆♥◑♡◆ Happy New Year's Boys Let's Party ◆♥◑♡◆ ((•●◆ VISITING ◆●•)) - 22
(San Antonio, ◈◆ '8' 1/2 IN ◆◈ Nice Pix ◆◈)
T—S— —J—O— S—I—E——— ——— —N—E—W———— LOOK ————1—O—0 %———— ——R——E——A—— L——!!!!!!———— —————— - 25
(San Antonio, i10 & Dezavala)
Thu 09 Jan
👌🏽👈🏽 i am hotter then of of them! ⬇️⬆️ for the rest call the best NATHALIE - 25
(Medical Center, San Antonio)
❤ThiCk 8in SWEET CaNdY:) ❤TREMENDA MUJER PuertoRiCaN* LaTina TS ❤w/ 2ViDeo PR00F! ❤ AVaiLABLE NoW ❤ - 21
(San Antonio)
❌❌TS Carmen Close .. San Antonio's elite entertainer 💋💋AVAIL NOW - 99
(Brownsville-Matamoros, Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Laredo, McAllen, San Antonio, Victoria)
Wed 08 Jan
➡THE Girl NExT dOOR 💎 💎🍆10 1/ 2 HunG & vERIfiED❗️🇦➕💥HEavy👄👅💦💦 SHOOTER 💥 - 26
(Ingram Rd area, San Antonio)
◆♥◑♡◆ Exotic TS Rose... Sexy and Fun with Hot body let's play ◆♥◑♡◆ ((•●◆ VISITING ◆●•)) - 23
(San Antonio, ◈◆ '8' 1/2 IN ◆◈ Nice Pix ◆◈)
💋💋FULL 9 1\2 Sexy Baby Doll 💋💋💖 💋💋 I Will Do What She Won't 💋💋💋 - 22
(San Antonio, MEDICAL and Surrounding area!!!)
•*"*• EVeRYTHING •*"*• U♥NeeD •*"*• IN 1 PaCKaGE •*"*•:•CLICK HERE!!!!!! - 26
(Fiesta/1640/La Cantera PWY, San Antonio)
Just ARRIVED Exotic TS Mia Landis Arriving ! Aug, 6th -7th ,2012 Do Not Miss Out! - 30
(Downtown, IH 10 and Huebner)
💖 💋💋FULL 9 1\2 Sexy Baby Doll 💋💋💖 💋💋I will do what she won't 💋💋💋 - 22
(San Antonio, 410 & Marbach and surrounding area!!!)
Want Out of the Life? We Can Help. 1-800-551-1300
(Brownsville-Matamoros, Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Laredo, McAllen, San Antonio, Victoria)
Tue 07 Jan
🙌 BeAuTiFul VerSaTiLe tRaNsSeXuAl In SaN AnToNiO 🙌 AvaiLaBlE NoW onE CaLL aWaY 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟 - 22
(San Antonio, 410/i10)
•••• ► I ——A —M ——T—H—E ——G—I —R—L ——A—L—L ——G —U—Y—S ——W—A—N—T ◄•••• - 23
(San Antonio, ◈◆ '8' 1/2 IN ◆◈ Simpley The Best ◆◈)