Sat 22 Feb
Tue 18 Feb
Mon 27 Jan
!!!{WOW}!!! °°°° Simply the °BEST° and °Hottest° TGirl intown visiting and ready 2 Cater °°°° - 23
(San Antonio, °°°* UNFORGETTABLE *°°°)
!WARNING!*CuM geT oFF w/an ALL Natural FUNCTIONAL Beauty 210-309-1041 ($75 incalls !) - 19
winter day special 100 roses. Exotic Naomi eager to satisfy*:•. ♥•:*¨ *•♛•* - - 24
(San Antonio, 410& evers the fiesta inn)
❤(ViDEO PR00F!) ❤ AVAiLABLE N0W❤Beautiful PuertorRican TS❤8in Tremenda MUJER! ❤FF" - 21
(San Antonio, 219 814 2903)
TS "VENUS". Cuban, tall, blond, upscale, 9.5" cuban cigar - 30
#*** TS FaNtaSy GirL KiMMie!***# Special ToniGht :) - 27
(San Antonio, north SA near airport blanco and west)
🔥✨💋 Ts Holly Hotness 7" cut and versatile to fit your style 210 584 3397 - 30
(San Antonio, Airport and close surrounding area)
T—S— —J—O— S—I—E——— ——— —M—E—E—T——— ME ——N—O —W——— ———1—O—0 %———— ——R——E——A—— L——!!!!!!———— —————— - 25
(Airport, San Antonio)
True Functional TS Playmate, come let your senses overflow • •• Class & Quality At It's Finest - 30
(I-10 @ 1604, San Antonio)
❤ ( THE REAL DEAL ) ❤ BacK in TeXaS ❤ ❤ OnE Hot LATINA ❤ ❤ AVAiLABLE N0W ❤ 4 ViDe0 PR00F! - 21
(San Antonio, 219 *814 *2903)
★__TaKe A PeEk @ ThE ★_MAiN ATTRACTiON_ ★ AmAZiNg __QUALiTY PROViDER __ - 21
(San Antonio, very discreet LOCATION (incall))
(San Antonio, Downtown San Antonio)
°·...::"¥"::.. ★*★*★The Exotic Heat U Want*available all Day & Night 2 Serve U ★*★*★ ..::"¥"::..°·. - 23
(San Antonio, SE of downtown)
☎☎▀▄▀Sweet Sexy Latina New In Town (((Check Out My Website))))Top And Bttm Fun For You!!! ▀▄▀▄▀▄☎☎ - 23
(San Antonio, SEAWORLD)