Thu 09 Jan
Sexy Lizz..... Model Material... only today Limited Time Only!!! Up All Night Long!!! - 24
(San Antonio)
II'm Back ! SEXY. SMOOTH CURVES - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Class & Quality At It's Finest. - 30
(1604@I-10, San Antonio)
❤👠GORGeOUs ★A———— V———— A———— I———— L———— A———— B———— L———— E——★NOW - - 25
(medical center area, San Antonio)
Last day in town! Nukehot sexy shemale in town! (More updates) Wurzbach and I 10 area - 28
(San Antonio)
LaSt NiGHt In ToWn FoR GooD!! 💜Ts Katie KLark💜 AvAiLaBLe IN/OuTcALL✔ReAL✔💎💜💎 - 27
new sexy latina visiting for your city only for two days CALL ME NOW I M READY 4 YOU - 23
(san antonio)
(¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯) BEAUTIFUL && TALENTED && EAGER TO PLEASE(¯`'•.¸ ¸.•'´¯) - 19
(San Antonio, La Cantera/ Bandera/ UTSA/ Northwest/)
Jenna james here for you.Taking appointments all week.come have fun - 31
(hildabrand and san predro)
★ —————— PartyGirL☆Ready And Waiting 24/7. Here To Fulfill Your Fantasies.100% real —————— ★ - 26
(San Antonio)
M O R G A N, ,hispanic ,ts ,petite, perfect ,, adorable, model,hottest in sa! 60 $special lol!!! - 21
Early bird spcls. Come Play W The Best ██ TS,╠╣OTiE ★★★ Natalia ★★★ BiG BooTy ClASSy CuTey★.. ██ - 25
(San Antonio, Ne loop 410....THE BEST SHOWN TOWN)
Ever Wonder if that Totally Hot Babe is a Shemale? >> - 19
(Brownsville-Matamoros, Corpus Christi, Del Rio, Laredo, McAllen, San Antonio, Victoria)
FF TS Stacey 8" LADYSTICK Pure Fun.. Come taste ur treat 👅 generous men only!!! - 28
(San Antonio, I37 & Fair Ave/SouthEast of Downtown)
❤~~~~Forget_ This fakes and ❤ &❤ _Try_ The_ Best~~~~~❤ TS Cherry 130 special - 23
(San Antonio, San Antonio la cantera)
🍼👅Heavy💦 KREAMER👅💯TOP/bOtTOm❗ ☆••••► 🔥 🎀ⓑⓐⓓⓓⓔⓢⓣ💥° LATINA TS MYRANDA 💄 💥Love 2 kiss 💋 - 30
(Medical center, San Antonio)
🎀💎here on HOT WELLS ready to give you a mind🎉exploding experience 💎🎀 - 27
(Hot wells and 281, San Antonio)
$80 ..*° SUPER *° S EXYREAL PHOTOS! Last Day $80 SPECIAL .- AVAILABLE 24/7 incall - 22
(San Antonio, Medical center area)
███ ███ B R E N D A ██ ██ I S B A C K !!! ██ ██ LIMITED ENGAGEMENT ███ ███ - 29
(San Antonio, NW / Medical)
TS FANTASY~ Rica~AT YOUR Service-THicK** bIGG B00tY MIXED LATINA~ Barbie DoLL*-210-309-9948 - 24
(SA, San Antonio)
Wed 08 Jan
ON CALL 24/7 day/night (TS) MARISSA (100 % REAL pic's) - 27
Last Day Shemale transsexual ladyboy Ts LUNaFUEGO visiting Available Now - 24
(Airport San Antonio, San Antonio)
★MEGA 10in~*-:¦:-*~ S € D U C † i V € ~*-:¦:-*~ DANGEROURSL¥ ~*-:¦:-*~ ADDiCTiNG -:¦:- - - - 22
(San Antonio, 10mins from the Airport)
ON CALL 24/7 day/night (TS) MARISSA (100 % REAL pic's) - 26
(San Antonio, LACKLAND & 90 OR RAY ELLISON & 410)
★ —Party Girl Fun☆Ready And Waiting 24/7★ 4 those who dont understand English TS STANDS 4 TRANSGENDE - 26
(Blanco and 410, San Antonio)
******HURRY!!! *********Only 24HRS Left!!!!******** TS Stella ☆ 'The LadyBoy with a Special Toy' - 21
(SA Airport Area, San Antonio)
❤️Latina Ts❤️ Visiting Airport Area ❤️❤️ Top & Bottom ❤️❤️ Love To Kiss ❤️❤️7 Fully Hard ❤️❤️❤️ ❤️ - 26
(San Antonio, AIRPORT AREA)
💋💋FULL 9 1\2 Sexy Baby Doll 💋💋💖 💋💋 I Will Do What She Won't 💋💋💋 - 22
(San Antonio, MEDICAL and Surrounding area!!!)
Holly Hottness Is back and ready to play 210 427-2817 - 30
(San Antonio, near airport and close to ns mall)
credit card accepted 🌺Top bottom 602 687 2925 Incall only 🎀🌺 ✨❤EXOTIC REAL *~**~* 🌺🌟💙WOOW - 23
(San Antonio, San Antonio northwest I 10 fwy)
***SEXY COLOMBIANA TS***PASABLE visiting TOWN for 4 days CALL NOW AT 832 388 1984 - 21
(San Antonio, fwy, 35 AND N. MAIN outcalls, incalls)
fully functional 7" cut *** So im The TS girl For You *** Up All Night*TS Holly - 27
(San Antonio, 410 AND SANPEDRO)
Click Here!!!!! Small Petite Ts Ready To Entertain This Eve..So Go A And Make That Call !!!!!!! - 30
(San Antonio)
💎MUST SEE VIDEO💎 Beautiful TRANSEXUAL ready to show you what you been missing!! IN/OUT - 19
(San Antonio, Airport)
💋❤️DIME❤️💯 210-216-5000 ❤️💋T-Girl Looking to be treated like a princess❤️💦💋❌⭕️❌ - 18
(San Antonio, Medical center)
•-:¦:-• ___N_E_W _ •-:¦:-•__ H_O_T_T_I_E _____* A *_____ M_U_S_T_ •-:¦:-•__ S_E_E ___ - 18
(San Antonio, West & Blanco)
💖MUST SEE VIDEO💖 (((New New New))) Always ready & dolled up!! Come enjoy a Real Natural Beauty! - 19
(San Antonio, AIRPORT (upscale location))
I Know You Want Better *** So im The TS girl For You *** Up All Night*TS blonde hottie - 27
(San Antonio, 410 AND SANPEDRO)
All you need to enjoy your fantasies TS BRIANNA 100% Real ( video proof inn) - 25
(San Antonio, 410 and perrin beitel)